Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sweet cinnamon popcorn

Cinnamon is a contentious ingredient, in my opinion largely because of the myriad of low histamine lists on the internet which are often incorrect and seem to be tailored to each author's personal reactions. My recipes are based on ingredients from the SIGHI list which is the only evidence based list I have found. It rates cinnamon as safe. I am something of a histamine barometer and I do not react to it so I take this as good evidence that the safe rating is warranted. In addition, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties which is a bonus for anybody with a mast cell disorder.

So...cinnamon popcorn! Sometimes I REALLY want to cheat and eat all of the food, even though I know how sick it will make me. When my willpower is at its worst, I try to treat myself with food that is not necessarily healthy but is still on my safe list. The below instructions are for those with popcorn makers (a worthwhile small investment) but the ingredients remain the same for those who pop their corn manually. The oil can also be melted in the microwave or in a very small saucepan on the stove top.

30g/1oz popcorn
1tsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp pure icing sugar

1. Tip the popping corn into the popcorn maker and put the coconut oil in the melting cup that sits above the popcorn.
2. While the popcorn is popping (and the oil is melting!) mix the paprika and sugar together in a small bowl, pressing out any sugar lumps with the back of a teaspoon. Sift the mixture into a large bowl - one with a lid is best if you have it.
3. Tip popped corn into the large bowl with the spice/sugar mix and drizzle oil over the top. Mix together quickly with a large spoon or put the lid on if you have one and shake vigorously until well combined. 

Enjoy (in moderation) ❤️

Ingredient information (based on advice by SIGHI)
- Popcorn is not listed but corn is rated 0 with a caveat that it can be hard to digest. 
- Coconut oil is rated 0 and is highly recommended
Contrary to popular belief, cinnamon is rated 0 
- Sugar is rated 0 but should be eaten in moderation

0 - Well tolerated, no symptoms expected at usual intake 
1 - Minor symptoms, occasional consumption of small quantities is often tolerated 
2 - Incompatible, significant symptoms at usual intake 
3 - Very poorly tolerated, severe symptoms

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