Thursday, March 18, 2021

Simple chai

Finally, a good coffee alternative! Uni is back and I am spending a lot of time at my desk so a tasty warm (and safe) drink has been on my mind. This morning I had a go at creating my own chai recipe and was thrilled with the taste. I hope this makes others similarly happy! Spices for this chai will need to be purchased ground or ground fresh in a spice grinder.

1/8 tsp cloves
1/8 tsp cardamom
Star anise, 1 point of the star (or a good pinch if ground)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Pinch nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground ginger
300ml drinking quality coconut milk (I use Coco quench)

1. If not already ground, place all spices in a spice grinder and blitz into a powder
2. Tip spices and milk into a small saucepan and heat on medium-high, whisking all the while until spices and milk come together
3. Use a spatula to scrape any stray spices from the edges of the saucepan into the milk
4. Heat chai until it is steaming (but not boiling) 
5. Pour into a mug, again using a spatula to ensure all spices end up in your cup

Enjoy immediately ❤️ 

Ingredient information (based on advice by SIGHI)
- Ginger is rated 1 and has anti-inflammatory properties
- The rating of star anise is unknown
Contrary to popular belief, cinnamon is rated 0 
- All other ingredients are rated 0 in small amounts

0 - Well tolerated, no symptoms expected at usual intake 
1 - Minor symptoms, occasional consumption of small quantities is often tolerated 
2 - Incompatible, significant symptoms at usual intake 
3 - Very poorly tolerated, severe symptoms

Hot tips!
🔥 Replace the coconut milk with another tolerated milk if you prefer
🔥If grinding even one of the spices, tip all of the spices in together. I find that grinding a slightly larger amount produces a finer result
🔥For anybody keen to invest in a grinder, I recently purchased a small Breville spice grinder and have been very happy with its performance

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